What We Do
Our Work
One Atlanta seeks to engage and represent the needs of our students, from under-served communities in Metro Atlanta, in three ways.
Education Conversations
Starting the Movement
One Atlanta conducts house meetings, or education conversations, in which parents, educators, community leaders, etc. are invited to share their stories, to present their needs, and to learn about more ways to be involved in the fight to increase educational equity.
Research Actions
Getting to the Root of the Issues
We conduct research actions with community stakeholders in order to maintain an accurate picture of the Atlanta educational landscape.
Issue Actions Teams
One at a Time
We form Issue Action Teams in order to gather information on a specific action to determine what specific issue is most widely and deeply felt in the communities that we serve.
About Us
ONE Atlanta is comprised of concerned educators, administrators, and community members who believe in educational equity for all students. With support from Leadership for Educational Equity, ONE Atlanta was established in 2015 after engaging more than 400 community members to surface the issues that matter most in ending educational inequity in Metro Atlanta. Currently, 12 community and educational leaders have agreed to lead the ONE Atlanta Regional Strategy Team (RST).

How To Engage:
ONE Atlanta has identified Family Engagement as our focal area for the 2016-2017 academic year. To that end, we are hosting three Town Hall forums in the month of August in order to learn ways to better equip, support, and connect with families in our communities.
Our Ask:
We are asking all invested community members to attend our house meetings, lend their time and opinions to having a rich discussion, and ensure your presence at our upcoming Issues Action Assembly. Sign up here to learn more!